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At Anderson House, we inform you about all your options, our services, and available education regarding your pregnancy and beyond. We’re here to educate you so you can make an informed decision regarding your pregnancy. Here are some of the educational resources we offer below.

Parenting Classes

Parenting doesn’t come with a handbook and should not be done alone. We have a community to come alongside you and support you if you decide to parent. We offer free parenting classes, other community resources, and referrals to help you along the journey.

Fatherhood Program

Do you have questions regarding becoming a father? You are not alone. We have a team to help you consider parenting and what that will look like as a first-time father. Or maybe you didn’t have a father around growing up yourself, and you’re worried you won’t be able to do it well. You are more capable than you know.

Contact us to learn more about our fatherhood classes, which are available for free at Anderson House.

Sexual Trauma/After-Abortion Support

SAVAnon is an eight-week healing program offered for those who have experienced emotional trauma from sexual abuse or assault. Our gender-specific groups are provided online.

MisAnon is a healing program offered to those who have walked through the emotional trauma of a miscarriage or stillbirth. Groups are provided online and include curriculum designed to bring healing and restoration. These groups are led by experienced, trained facilitators who empathize with the pain caused by this trauma.

If you’re struggling to recover after an abortion, we can support you. It’s possible to experience joy and hope again. AbAnon is an eight-week healing program offered to those who have experienced emotional trauma after an abortion. Our gender specific groups are provided online. These groups are led by experienced, trained facilitators who understand the effects this trauma can take on relationships, mental health and the well-being of each participant. Our teams are ready and eager to walk with those affected on their path towards healing.

Schedule a free and confidential appointment to learn more and get support.