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Uvalde Location
Carrizo Springs Location
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Anderson House offers free online healing groups to men and women in Uvalde, Carrizo Springs, and the surrounding areas of South Texas who have experienced sexually related trauma (SRT). This type of trauma can include sexual abuse/sexual assault (including date rape), past abortion, miscarriage/stillbirth, or sexually transmitted diseases (STD/STI).

What Is Sexually Related Trauma?

  • Trauma due to sexual abuse/assault
  • Trauma due to past abortion(s)
  • Trauma due to miscarriage/stillbirth
  • Trauma due to unwanted pregnancy
  • Trauma due to STDs

Many women deal with the grueling effects of sexually related trauma. The purpose of Anderson House PRC is to create awareness regarding the emotional harm caused by Sexually Related Trauma (SRT) and to provide a path to healing for those affected.

Our vision is that any individual who has experienced Sexually Related Trauma (SRT) and desires healing will be aware of and have access to the free healing programs.

Common Symptoms Of Sexual Trauma

  • Suicidal tendencies
  • Withdrawal from and mistrust or fear of adults and authority figures
  • Hyper-sexuality and promiscuity
  • Avoidance of sex and physical touch
  • Problems with sleep or fear of going to bed
  • Nightmares and/or flashbacks
  • Self-harm
  • Addictions to drugs, alcohol, or food
  • Unusual sexual behavior
  • Phantom pain
  • Chronic pain
  • Feeling that something is fundamentally wrong with them
  • Personal responsibility for the abuse or assault
  • Worthlessness, unworthiness, or dirtiness
  • Difficulties with intimacy and trust
  • Personality disruptions
  • Attachment issues
  • Sexual dysfunction and fertility issues
  • Gay/Lesbian lifestyle
  • Prostitution
  • Depression
  • Sexually abusing other children

We’re Here To Help

SAVAnon is an eight-week healing program offered for those who have experienced emotional trauma from sexual abuse or assault. Our SAVAnon groups are currently only provided online. Participants work through varied emotional symptoms, including anger, depression, shame, anxiety, addictions, and feelings of dirtiness.

MisAnon is a healing program offered to those who have walked through the emotional trauma of a miscarriage or stillbirth. Groups are provided online and include curriculum designed to bring healing and restoration. These groups are led by experienced, trained facilitators who empathize with the pain caused by this trauma.

AbAnon is an eight-week healing program offered to those who have experienced emotional trauma after an abortion. Our gender specific groups are provided online. These groups are led by experienced, trained facilitators who understand the effects this trauma can take on relationships, mental health and the well-being of each participant. Our teams are ready and eager to walk with those affected on their path towards healing.

Schedule a free and confidential appointment to learn more and get support.